Sunday, August 8, 2010


很烦。。真的很想换份工作, 虽然这份工才做了两个月,可是天天都在重复一样的东西,三个月, 只要三个月, 你就可以完全掌握工作纲要。可是, 这是我想要的吗? 我想要一份更有挑战性的, 我更有兴趣的工作。。

曾想过和家人谈,可是永远只会告诉我,忍。忍。忍。。忍他x 的。。为什么?为了钱??只为了我能多拿几百块回家?? 我知道 我有负担, 可是我也有我的计划。。这份工作不是人干的, 好吗? 在短短两个月, 多少人走了? 谁不怕要赔钱? 7500, 不是一笔小数目, 可是我不想逼死我自己。。我的目标, 至少3 个月, 那么就当我免费为你工做就好了。。 刚好3 个月的工钱嘛。。 如果能挨过更多的日子, 那就算我赚到的。。 唉, 悲哀。。 好希望能快快乐乐的工作,过过普通的日子就好了。。。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PUDU JAIL demolition - 21.06.2010

i have attached this video from dickwei, youtube.. it is hard to believe that something is deeply builded in our memories is gone.. i stil dun understand why no one appreciate the history? history should included no matter good or bad, never try to cover it or destroy it even it is a "bad" memories. regardless, the pudu jail is another heritage that can tell many story to our young generation due to criminal.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


finally, a 2-days holidays. we works for only 4 days then we will get a day or 2 for off days. wow, i believe that ppl work for a whole week or a 5 days work wont as tension as we do. during we work, then time fly, u dun realize that u already finish work. after u finish . that is the most exhausted time, when ur boss expected more than u can give. coz we are fresh meat of the field, we need more time for learn and practical, as least allow us to ask or so. please dun push us away and make us feel like isolated in a lonely island, lively as a lone man. the tension of the work is form the upper line, i meant it seriously from my side. they start requested the quality of work as those seniors. well, give me some time. well, as we have entered at the wrong time, as the peak season, wat can we do... haha..

happy holiday to me.. this week kinda good, coz i will only off 2 days then work another 2 days then off another 2 off days .then the salary out!!! hooray.. finally 1 good thing @@

Thursday, June 3, 2010

a new life - working ad@@

its been a long time since i update my blog. hmmm... guess is like a decade ago.. muahaha.. ^6^ well well, today is my 3rd day in astro. hmm, cant say very good but still can considered ok i guess. it is a stressful job i know but i got a good pay indeed. moreover, with all the benefit added in, i think i cant get a better offer due to any fresh meat in the market. in deep , no matter how, i still dun feel that i m a working ppl , i still consider i m a student instead of categorizing myself as one of those OL so called. yes, of course, i can afford alot of things of my life thought but mentally i dun think i m prepare fully enough to face a job. especially this stressful job. it is not saying that the customer are bad or hard to handle, it just, the repeating same old job n the high expectation is there. is like not fulfilling my passion n meet my expectation on my spirits and fire.

but there is a lot of fun part by the way. u can see all the star around. the famous DJ, celebrities, or the hotties in town will just walk around u where like normal ppl. (dun ask me get their signature..^^)
well, for sure the another good part is the $$$, due the p&c , i only can tell u that it is really good for me..
i just hope that i last at least few month to a year, then i can request to transfer to another department therefore i will survived. wakaka..
god bless me !!~~~^^

Saturday, January 16, 2010






这天是我的生日,但我却没有任何值得保留的回忆。。很想把快乐放进第一篇部落格, 但是却迟迟无法动笔。。24 了, 不小了, 却还不知道自己想要的是什么,想做的是什么。。现在, 没有梦想没有思想没有思想,只想要赚钱。。为什么每个人都把我当成他们的拥有物,我是我自己的, 从来不属于任何人。。可以让我自己把自己做好吗,不要干预我,阻止我,撞墙都好。我, 就是我。 疯子一个。谢谢。